The Labrys Axe – The Full Guide

Key Point: A labrys axe is a double-headed, symmetrical, and often ceremonial axe originating in ancient Europe and the Mediterranean. It has been historically linked to matriarchal and goddess-worshipping cultures.

Today we are taking a look at the Labrys. The Greek or more precisely Minoan mythical/ceremonial weapon is said to be supernatural in origin. So, let’s dive right into the next mythical weapon in our series and learn about what the labrys is and why it was considered special.

So, let’s start with the main thing. What is the Labrys?

Labrys is a double-headed axe with a long handle, and it has its roots in ancient Minoan culture. According to “The Amazons: Lives and Legends of Warrior Women across the Ancient World” by Adrienne Mayor, the Labrys was often used as a ceremonial symbol of power, and it was closely associated with the goddesses Demeter and Artemis. The Minoans, who were known for their bull worship, also incorporated the Labrys into their religious ceremonies.

Now, let’s explore this mythical weapon and its abilities in a little more detail

Description Of The Weapon


Labrys is typically around four feet long, allowing for a powerful two-handed grip. The two blades are identical in size and shape, and both are sharpened for use in battle. The design of the Labrys was well-suited for close combat. Since it allowed the user to deliver devastating blows to their opponents.

Its Role, However …

It was a symbol of power and authority in ancient Greece. It was often used by high-ranking officials, as well as in religious ceremonies. The Minoans, who were a Bronze Age civilization that existed on the island of Crete, were particularly associated with the Labrys.

They used the weapon in religious ceremonies since it was believed it offered protection against evil spirits.

The Mythical Properties

It was associated with the goddess Demeter, who was often depicted holding the weapon in her hand. No specific powers are attributed to it but it was considered powerful since it was connected to the gods.

Stories Where The Labrys Is Depicted

One of the most famous stories involving the Labrys is the tale of Theseus and the Minotaur. Theseus used Labrys to defeat the Minotaur, a mythical creature with the head of a bull and the body of a man.

Now, let’s check out how this ancient mythical weapon is depicted in modern media.

Depiction In Modern Times

In the popular video game series “God of War,” the main character Kratos wields a pair of Labrys-like axes known as the Blades of Chaos. The Labrys has also been featured in other video games, such as “Assassin’s Creed Odyssey” and “Final Fantasy XIV.”

The Labrys has also appeared in several novels and comic books, often as a powerful magical weapon wielded by heroes or villains.

So, we can count on the entertainment industry to keep the legend of the Labrys alive for some time to come.

In Conclusion

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. I hope you learned a thing or two. And I will see you at the next article on mythical weapons that you can check out by clicking right here.

Or check out the special weapon with weird powers that is featured in Irish mythology. Click here to check it out.

Take care!


“Amazons: A Cultural History” by Professor Lyn Webster Wilde
“The Amazons: Lives and Legends of Warrior Women across the Ancient World” by Adrienne Mayor
“The Minoans: The Story of Bronze Age Crete” by Sinclair Hood